

"Russkaya Niva" got heart

TM "Russkaya Niva" shifts its positioning - now it's getting closer to a family. By changing brand philosophy its corporate style will change also. The whole product range will modify its packing, and every product will get heart as a new logo.

Nowadays there is just a few time to spend with relatives by modern life rhythm. Family values are being replaced by rush for wealth and career building, and Internet is taking place of personal contact. "Russkaya Niva" offers to return to family tea drinking traditions. After all, nothing joins people as well as slow talks in a cozy atmosphere with a cup of tea and a slice of cake.

Positioning concept change had an effect on TM "Russkaya Niva" changed corporate style. Logo in the form of heart means comfort of hearth, sincerity and purity of human relations, love and positive attitude to people. There is a slogan "Keeping true family traditions!" on the new logo.

First cake in "Russkaya Niva" product range with the modified packing is "Medovik". Its appearance changed completely - it became more friendly and comfortable. A cake in the new packing set on a table will create special atmosphere for lively talk.

TM "Russkaya Niva" represents traditional Russian cakes with recipes well-known for most housewives; it represents desserts that have been part of family tea drinking during many years.