

"Chastnaya Gallereya" novels

TM "Chastnaya Gallereya" became partner of an exhibition presenting current craftsmanship of the well known Russian painter Garry Gordon. This vernisage got the name "Novels". Painter's every work is telling a short story - a blink of it is depicted by the author. The exhibition is taking place from 1st to 21st February in the art-gallery "Tree" in Moscow.


Garry Gordon's vernisages are a pretty rare action for Russia. Exhibition of his latest works could occur partly thanks to support of OJSC "HLEBPROM" and TM "Chastnaya Gallereya".


Garry Gordon is a Russian poet, writer and painter born in Odessa. As a painter he is a follower of the South-Russian school of painting. It was always remarkable for emotional warmth and brilliance. In the well known Art school in Odessa Garry’s teachers were Vladimir Sinizkiy and Nikolay Pavlyuk


Garry’s interests were never limited to just painting. He's the author of the famous novel "Late. Dark. Far away". One of his first stories called "Shepherd of his cows" was made into a movie by his son Alexander Gordon. Garry Gordon appeared in this movie as a writer and production designer. Later one more story was filmed by Gordon's son – Nest's fire.


Garry Gordon's pictorial style has a bent for impressionism. The painter got here lightness and mobility as far as painting technique. However Gordon gives more attention to content than to formal features. Main idea of his painting is imaging of characters' internal state.