Confectionery skills guru from France Kristof Mishalak shared his experience with technologists of the Cakes factory "Mirel". During a week his assistant Desti Brami was conducting workshops for technologists of "Hlebprom" production platform in Chelyabinsk. In the meantime models of desserts were prepared on receipts given specially for our company by Kristof Mishalak.
Russian people can experience the taste of cakes created on the receipts by the well known French confectioner soon. At the moment the Chelyabinsk masters are preparing its mass production.
Among purposes of visit of the French confectioner was meeting favors of Russian consumers. "I was really impressed by manufacturing organization in Chelyabinsk - speaks Desti Brami (in Kristof's team he is in charge of the process organization). - For such a large production as the Cakes factory "Mirel" the process is built very accurately. We often visit different European confectionery factories, and I can confirm that the Chelyabinsk factory is in line with most of them, including quality management system which is improving continuously".
Since a long time the name of Kristof Mishalak has been a symbol of true skills and innovation in confectionery art. Best restaurants are aspiring to get his recipes. Best cooks are hunting for his ideas. In 2005 Mishalak was recognized as a world champion in confectionery mastery.
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