

In all sincerity for children!

First city festival for families with handicapped children "Spread wings!" has taken place in Moscow on 15th May. The festival was set up by Russian Public union of social justice under support of TM "Russkaya Niva".

Young guests of the festival participated in competitive and playing programs and in master-classes on fancywork. All the participants could take home souvenirs made by them. For participating in playing programs and master-classes children received toy money called lyubilinki which could be spent for getting sweets from TM "Russkaya Niva" and different toys.

Festive atmosphere was supported by musical groups of different genres performed on a special stage. In all more than 3000 families having handicapped children participated in the festival - all of them got a lot of joy and good mood. Management of Russian Public union of social justice expressed its thanks to OJSC "Hlebprom" for support in holding this important social arrangement.